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Angelic Healing Training

The Online Training will be available soon.

To be notified when it's ready, you can send me a message in the Contact section or sign up for the mailing list.

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To be automatically informed of the next angelic healing training session or the next Cacao ceremony, I invite you to subscribe to the mailing list. I will send an email to inform subscribers of upcoming face-to-face sessions.

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Angelic Healing Training

During these training courses lasting just over half a day, we cover several topics: 

- energetic healing and subtle energies;

- training in energy healing with the archangels of Light;

- LaHoChi healing training;

- rooting & shooting, protection and transmutation of our energies/emotions.

After this training, you are able to:

- work daily with archangels of Light;

- provide yourself with care to purify your energy, eliminate blockages and limiting beliefs, cut toxic ties;

- provide care to others (after the 21 days of self-care practice), and practice as a LaHoChi practitioner (as soon as you feel it is right). 

The particularity of Angelic Healing training is that just one training is necessary. This is not multi-level learning.

After the training session, you will have safe and effective protocols to work together with angels of Light, receiving and providing care with Divine Love frequencies. You will have the keys to developing your own spiritual gifts (because we are all different), while knowing the errors and pitfalls to avoid.

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Email me to be informed of the next session in your area.


For Private Training (individual, as a couple or between friends), you can contact me by email.

Allow 4 to 5 hours of training.

For Private Training (individual, couple or friends), you can contact me by email.

Allow 4 to 5 hours of training.


Graduated from Centrale Lyon engineering school, I am also a practitioner and trainer in angelic care, and a shaman. Over the years, I have accompanied dozens of people in private coaching, and also in group therapy as a shaman or trainer in angelic healing care.

Each of us is an infinitely precious cell of the Universe, with all the attributes of the divine. Abundance, unconditional love, success and joy are our original attributes.

I am here to help reconnect with these innate attributes within us, and manifest a life of Love, abundance, and joy, in alignment with our life path.


As an engineer, my journey into spirituality has been very experimental, in the scientific sense of the word. Very quickly, I asked myself: "How can we help people who are developing their spiritual abilities to open up to spirituality and the invisible in a safe way, in alignment with their own Light?"

We sometimes place our trust in an energetician who knows how to talk to us because often their extrasensory abilities impress us... Only, if we learn to develop our own abilities, we become autonomous in our own healing, in alignment with our divinity, with deep roots, ready to spread our own wings. The human being who knows his creative power and his healing power will no longer look for answers outside, but in the Light within him, in the Wisdom in his heart. He then became an autonomous human being, aware of both his energies, his power, and the responsibility that results from them. This is why I train in angelic care today, rather than simply providing care:


- Developing your healing abilities allows you to have better discernment and a better perspective on what another energetician might tell us.

- Learning to heal with the Angels of Light allows us to considerably increase our vibrational level, our level of consciousness, and thus helps us to connect to the divine, to our Guides, so that we find the answers IN US, and no longer with of “spiritual leaders”. Moreover, for all those who want to strengthen their links with their Spirit Guides, Angelic Care is a very effective method for increasing vibration and receiving their messages more easily.

- Discovering and developing our gifts means becoming the conscious human being that we are led to become.

- If this calls to you, you can become a healer yourself. The LaHoChi Care training is on a single level, and allows you, after regular self-care practice, to also offer LaHoChi care to those around you, or to your clients.


- If you are already a therapist, the luminous power of angelic treatments can allow you to increase the accuracy and luminosity of your treatments tenfold.

My engineering training at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon allowed me to acquire the necessary scientific knowledge, particularly in quantum physics, in order to complement the energetic/spiritual vision with a pragmatic and scientific approach. Added to this is my shamanic training in South Africa and the teaching I received from sacred plants.

Yes, we are creative beings, yes, we have the power to create our reality with our attention, and even quantum physics proves this. In spirituality, we call this the Law of Attraction.

This power is innate, and in every person. Now, it is a question of knowing how to use this power, and knowing how to free ourselves from blockages, in order to fully radiate our original essence of Love, Light, and infinite Abundance. We all have the power to be this Light.

Angelic Healing Training

Coaching intuitif
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Group Angelic Healing Training

Group Angelic Healing Training - Minimum 4 people - Duration 4 hours:


This Program Includes: 

LaHoChi Angelic Healing Training 

This training then allows you to practice as a LaHoChi practitioner when you feel ready.

 Archangelic Healing Training

 - Working with the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Master Saint-Germain

 - Cutting toxic ties & limiting beliefs

 - Purifying and transmuting energies and emotions

Energy Work Fundamentals

​Next Date in Saint-Martin:


Next Date in Martinique: 

10/12/23 - Sunday 10th December 2023

Price: €180

Place: Fort-of France


Private Angelic Healing Training

This training includes the same lessons as the group training, but delivered one to one.

This allows for the training to be catered to your situation and experience.


The Program Includes: 

LaHoChi Angelic Healing Training 

Archangelic Healing Training

Fundamental energy work knowledge

Private support

Rate: €440 for 1 person, €500 for 2 people, €600 for 3 people

Allow 4 hours of training.

Locations: Martinique, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barth, London, Europe and the USA on request.


Angelic Healing Training

During the treatment, we work with the angels, which means that they provide care to your patient (or to you) while you carry out your practice

There are several benefits to the healing session that are reflected in different areas of our lives. In particular: 

- release of blockages, traumas, and limiting beliefs

- cutting toxic ties and attracting new, more positive relationships

- deep cleansing of the chakra system and meridians

- cleansing and purification of energetic bodies

- healing of emotional wounds, relief from sorrows, heartache, sadness, and anxiety

- realignment with our Higher Self and your highest potential; connection to our Guides

- significant increase in our vibration level

An angelic healing session immerses us in the divine celestial energies, at a high vibrational level. In addition to purifying our energetic bodies, these treatments considerably increase our vibrational levels, and envelop us in a feeling of well-being, deep and divine love.

Is it the right course for me?

People sometimes ask me: “I don’t believe in angels, can I still receive angelic care?”

Yes, of course. Angels help and provide healing to anyone who asks their help, whether you believe in them or not. The practitioner is there to guide the treatment alongside them.


On the other hand, for Angelic Healing Training, where you become the one who provides healing through the help of angels, it is essential to be open to the existence of Angels. You do not need to be 100% convinced that they exist, however, your heart and mind must be open, since you will learn to work with them. The more open you are, the more abundantly their healing energy will be able to flow through you, into the areas that need light.


During this training I share essential keys to developing one's healing abilities while avoiding certain pitfalls that "Spirituality" can present. I talk about energy, vibrational levels, Universal Consciousness, divine Love. See how these words resonate within you.


Developing one's gifts is one thing, but if it is not done within Love consciousness, it presents the risk of developing spiritual ego rather than developing the heart, while the real power lies in the heart. However, there is not only one way, and there is not only one truth. Still, it is essential that those who wish to participate in this training are open to the notions of divine Love, unconditional Love, and to the existence of angels, obviously <3

Your Feedback

Alexia (1/3) :

"Your anchoring meditation allowed me to cleanse my channels very powerfully and gave a whole new dimension to my treatments! I had already worked on anchoring in the past but never like this, and wow, I feel the difference!

From the first days, LaHoChi freed my throat chakra, my heart chakra, amplified my connection with Unity and the world around me."

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To book your session or get in touch with me, you can write to me at or book your session directly via this form.

Do not hesitate to specify the circumstances that lead you to make an appointment.

Merci pour votre message !

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