Coaching and Holistic Therapy
Through tailor-made energy coaching, we deploy your creative potential in all areas of your life.
Whatever your current challenge, it is a sign that your soul wishes to move on to a new stage of evolution. I am here to accompany you and help you take this step towards your highest potential, by detecting and treating the emotion or blockage at the origin of this challenge.

Two types of support:

These are intuitive coaching sessions where we access the origin of the blockage/challenge in your body or your subconscious , in order to be able to overcome it.
We work with your body (your Higher Self and the subconscious) in order to free the path towards your objective, whether it is relational, sentimental, professional, or psychological.
I accompany you to reconnect with your divinity, with self-love , and with your creative power.
Duration of Light Coaching: 1 hour
Location: Video session via WhatsApp or other application
Possibility of ending the session with a Bach Flower tip.
You can book your session here.

This is my favorite formula for anyone who wants to evolve quickly and heal deeply, whether it is for emotional, wellness, psychological, or spiritual growth.
During this session, we combined Light Coaching and Angelic Care for a deep healing of emotions and an effective cleansing of emotional trauma as well as blocking beliefs and fears that could limit you. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a deep healing in order to achieve a goal.
Duration of the Coaching + Angelic Care Combo : 1h30 to 1h45
Location: Video session via WhatsApp or other application
Possibility of ending the session with a Bach Flower tip.
You can book your session here.
Benefits of Angelic Care
I am sometimes asked, "I don't believe in angels, can I still receive angelic healing?"
Of course! Angels help and heal anyone who wants their help, whether you believe in them or not. I am here to guide the healing alongside them, in addition to adding my personal touch.
Benefits of angelic and energetic care:
During the treatment, I work with the angels, which means that they provide you with treatment, while I also provide mine.
The benefits of care are multiple and can be reflected in different areas of your life. In particular:
- release of blockages, traumas and limiting beliefs;
- cutting toxic ties, and attracting new, more positive relationships;
- deep cleansing of the chakra and meridian system;
- cleaning and purification of the subtle and energetic bodies;
- healing of emotional wounds, relief from grief, heartache, sadness, and anxiety;
- realignment with your Higher Self and your highest potential;
- significant increase in your vibrational level;
- Prayers and Blessings for you to be accompanied and guided on your path, even after our session. I carry out these blessings according to your request, your goals, and your needs.
An angelic treatment immerses us in the divine celestial energies, at a high vibrational level. In addition to purifying our energetic bodies, these treatments considerably increase our vibrational levels, and envelop us in a feeling of deep well-being and divine love.
My journey
A trained engineer from Centrale, I am also a practitioner and trainer in angelic care, and a shaman. Over the years, I have accompanied dozens of people in private coaching, but also during group therapies as a Cacao shaman, or trainer in angelic healing care.
Passionate about the evolution of those around me, one of my goals is to help those who call on me to realize their dreams, to love themselves fully, and to reconnect with their creative power as beings of light. Each of us is an infinitely precious cell of the Universe, with all the attributes of the divine. Abundance, unconditional love, success and joy are our original attributes.
I am here to help you reconnect with these innate attributes within you, and manifest a life of Love, abundance, and joy, in alignment with your life path.

My training as an engineer at the École Centrale de Lyon allowed me to acquire the necessary scientific knowledge, particularly in quantum physics, in order to complete the energetic/spiritual vision with a pragmatic and scientific approach. Yes, we are creative beings, yes, we have the power to create our reality with our attention, and even quantum physics proves it. In spirituality, we call this the Law of Attraction. This power is innate, and in each person. Now, it is a question of knowing how to use this power, and knowing how to free ourselves from blockages, in order to fully radiate our original essence of Love, Light, and infinite Abundance.
Your feedback
Choose your accompaniment
You can book your session directly on the site , or by completing the contact form .
Different formulas are available:
*** Unique packages : 1 session of your choice.
*** THE unique formulas completed by Bach Flower Advice :
In order to anchor the healing received during our session together, I am sending you a list of Bach Flower essences to obtain (in a drugstore or organic store), as well as a unique protocol, which I have personally developed, to follow for 3 weeks.
Bach Flowers are a subtle yet powerful method of energy healing. The goal of this supplement is to effectively accelerate your evolution and your emotional healing considerably.

*** Subscriptions of 3 sessions of your choice
Subscription benefits:
- Each session ends with a Bach Flower Advice offered
- Continuous follow-up between you and me, by WhatsApp, for 3 weeks after each session.
- The three Light Coaching sessions with Bach Flower Support are €150 instead of €270.
- The three Combo sessions of Light Coaching and Angelic Care, with Bach Flower Support, are €300 instead of €420.
1 hr
60 euros1 hr
90 euros1 hr
150 euros1 hr 30 min
110 eurosIntuitive Coaching session completed with Angelic Energy Treatment and Bach Flower advice
1 hr 30 min
140 euros3 Combo sessions: Intuitive Coaching + Angelic Care, supplemented by Bach Flower Advice
1 hr 30 min
300 euros
Angelic Care Training
I aspire for every human being to become autonomous in their well-being and the maintenance of their vibrational level.
Therefore, I offer training in angelic care.
During these one-day training courses, we cover several themes:
- energy care and subtle energies;
- training in energy healing with the archangels of Light;
- LaHoChi care training.
After this training, you are able to:
- work daily with the archangels of Light;
- provide you with care to purify your energy, eliminate blockages and limiting beliefs;
- provide care to others, after the 21 days of self-care practice.

Subscribe to get access to regular positive content, which aims to activate the Light within us.
Instagram @JadheDiesse
TikTok @Jadhe.Diesse
Contact Form